1. Finish drawing map. It must be easy to read and include names of newly created countries and capital cities.
2. On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions in complete sentences.
- How many states were created?
- What type (shape) of states were created?
- Do the newly created countries have equal opportunities for economic advancement? Explain.
- What cultural factors were most important in your partitioning decision?
- What physical factors were most important in your partitioning?
- What will be the greatest obstacles or challenges for the newly created states?
3. Read the following article and leave a comment to this blog post answering the questions below. Be sure to include your name.
For ESL students, read this article:
For Mr. Wright's English students, read this article:
Do you think it was worth it to partition India/Pakistan?
Should leaders have to guarantee a completely peaceful partition before making the decision to partition, or should some violence always expected?
Write your answer as a comment to this blog entry.
*Don't worry if your comment doesn't show up right away. The blog is set up so that I check comments before they are published.
Interesting, but not required reading:
Interesting to see who is proposing the partitioning of Nigeria
Ethnic Groups in Nigeria
Explanation fo current Ethnic Conflict in Nigeria
Hmmm.. a trend? Similar situation in Ivory Coast